Honey Mann Manx Honey 100% PURE


HoneyMann Honey Local 100% Pure Manx Honey producer Explanation of “Raw” Honey: I get asked from time to to time if our Honey is RAW. The simple answer is “yes it is a Raw honey” because it has minimal processing. Our Honey is sieved by gravity and put in the jar. It will contain tiny…


HoneyMann Honey

Local 100% Pure Manx Honey producer

Explanation of “Raw” Honey:
I get asked from time to to time if our Honey is RAW. The simple answer is “yes it is a Raw honey” because it has minimal processing. Our Honey is sieved by gravity and put in the jar. It will contain tiny particles of pollen and wax which can give a cloudy appearance. Until 26th Feb 2024 Raw had no legal status in UK so wasn’t used in labelling. So if a Honey is pressure filtered to make it super clear, or heat treated because it contains sugar syrup and needs to pasteurised or sterilised to make it shelf stable (that heat removes the enzymes), it is not Raw. Most supermarket Honey is not Raw.
And a final note:
If a label says “Imported from non EU countries” it almost certainly contains Chinese sugar syrup. What actual Honey is in there has been produced so unethically if you knew how it was made you wouldn’t eat it! The IOM has lots of local beekeepers who will sell you a quality product, support them!

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